All about the GPS-Triangle-League

All about the, what opportunities it offers you and the pur-pose of this website

Overall ranking list of all uploaded flights
Once you have opened an account on this website, you can upload all flight data for the classes “Scale” with the 500/500 metre triangle or “Sport” with the 350/400 metre triangle. You can create your own triangle wherever you would like to fly.The results displayed are equivalent to a decentralised competition. They are automatically displayed in the overall ranking list. The five best flights of every participant from 1 January to 31 December are graded. Grading covers the five best distance flights on the one hand and also the five best speed flights of each participant.Only the distance flown and the average speed are taken into account in the grading. The results of all pilots taking part are shown in a daily, weekly, monthly and annual classification. The number of laps flown is then graded. In the event of an identical number of laps, the average speed is the deciding factor.

Challenge Cup
The Challenge Cup is a local competition in which the participating pilots compete directly in one event. To do this, all participating pilots must use the same task file (triangle data) published on the website. During a predetermined time window (one or more days) you can likewise upload your flight log files to the website. Your flights are thus automatical-ly entered with the corresponding task file in the ranking list of the Challenge Cup and additionally in the overall ranking list. This type of Challenge Cup is generally the easiest way of getting into GPS Triangle competitive flying and gaining initial experience.Completely free flying is possible in a Challenge Cup, thus without time or entry windows. Each pilot can then fly as often as they wish. It is only necessary to log in to upload the log files; everything else happens automatically. The number of laps flown is then graded, and in the event of an identical number of laps, the average speed is the deciding factor.A Challenge Cup can also be graded on a group basis on request. This means that the pilots are put into groups and an entry time window is defined for each group (displayed online). A competition leader can create all this online using his login with the minimum of effort. Grading is then carried out on a group-related basis, meaning that the best flight result gives 1000 points.To do this, all participants must register online for the event and also choose a team partner. This type of competition then operates like a GPS World Championship or a CONTEST-Eurotour competition.

Country League
The idea of the Country League is that small local and country-related GPS Triangle competitions are held. In principle, however, the competitions are open to any interested party. The advantage of these contests is that in these small local competitions, it is all about the fun of GPS triangle flying for beginners and “pros” alike.Country League contests are graded on a group basis. This means that the pilots are put into groups and an entry time window is defined for each group (displayed online). A competition leader can create all this online using his login with the minimum of effort. Grading is then carried out on a group-related basis, meaning that the best flight result gives 1000 points.To do this, all participants must register online for the event and also choose a team partner.In the Country League the normal task is flown and graded:
  • Normal grading: flight time max. 30 minutes, grading of laps flown / average speed.
5th GPS Triangle World Championship
In 2019, a GPS Triangle World Championship is being organised for the first time via this website – this will certainly be a test of stamina. The experience gained from various Country League competitions and Challenge Cups has been flow-ing in continuously to date, and everything is operating at a very reliable level due to the evaluation of nearly 3000 log files.The GPS WM is organised and graded in groups like a Country League competition. The competition leader can deter-mine the group number and size per round in a few clicks here also.

Prerequisite for using the website
Open an account for yourself! You can enter all the information about yourself, your models and the courses at which you fly. If you have a log file to upload, it is very simple: log in, upload log file - done. You can look at each of your flights in your “flight log”. Each flight is included in the grading, as already described.The following systems now store the log file in a format accepted by the website:

- Skynavigator app,;
- Albatross app,;
- RC-T3000, complete system,

These systems calculate and store each completed flight and show a result for it. No standard, exactly identical calcula-tion basis has yet been established in this regard. For this reason it can occur when uploading a log file to the website that the entry (height or speed) is graded as too high or too fast. Until this problem of inconsistency is resolved, it is recommended that you perform the entry with a little reserve. This means don’t approach at 119 km/hr or enter at 499 metres and don’t accelerate prior to entry! If you follow this advice, you will always have valid flights. This has proved to be the best course of action in countless competitions.

The website is accessible free of charge for all enthusiastic GPS Triangle pilots. The web-site is financed by sponsors, who are increasingly recognising the value of their investment. In future, associations and organisers can create, publish and conduct their own events online on the website. We are happy to help you get in-volved and prepare everything for you; you are welcome to contact us regarding this.

Pascal Brunner, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ueli Nyffenegger, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.